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Boston Plumbing and Heating Blog

Frozen Water Pipes can be Prevented with the Help of Professional Plumbers - Boston, Worcester, MA

03 Feb 2015

To prevent frozen pipes in your home during extremely cold weather conditions, hire professional plumbers in Boston, MA. Professional plumbers can pick up signs that pipes have the potential for freezing and can offer tips for prevention.

Homeowners can prevent frozen water pipes which are all too common during very cold temperatures like those we have been experience in Worcester and Boston this winter. If you have water supply lines in the garage, adjacent laundry room, or other cold or uninsulated area you have the potential for frozen water pipes. Most homes have pipes that run under counters and within cabinets. One preventive measure is to keep cabinet doors open in order let the warm air circulate and reach the pipe line underneath. Let the cold water in the faucet drip slowly overnight and periodically flush the toilet. This keeps the water moving so it is less likely to freeze. Keeping your house heated at 68 degrees or higher can also help.

While you can prepare for the cold, an expert plumber can help get your plumbing prepared as well. Professional plumbers can determine where the air is getting into your house and seal your pipes it immediately with insulation or other pipe insulation techniques. This ensures that exposed pipes will be properly insulated with pipe sleeves or heat cables.

To find out what needs to be done to keep your water pipes freezing, contact Greater Boston Plumbing and Heating.

Steam Heating System Maintenance and Repair Improves Efficiency and Conserves Energy - Boston, Worcester, MA

27 Jan 2015

Steam heating systems can be found in all kinds of properties like apartment buildings, schools, and in residential homes. The larger the area is that needs heating, the more steam traps or automatic valves there are in place to readily remove condensate and other debris to maximize the efficiency of the heating system.

For steam straps and the heating system itself to function with maximum performance, they should be maintained and inspected on a regular basis by a trusted steam heating system specialists in Worcester, MA. Without maintenance and repair services, the steam traps and the entire heating system is likely to fail, leaving you unprepared in extremely cold weather conditions.

Repairing or replacing faulty steam traps in steam heating systems will improve the efficiency of the entire system. This needs to be done to guarantee comfort in cold weather. But there may be times that leaks are not visible to the naked eye and only steam heating system specialists have the right testing tools and technique to find worn out parts. An intensive inspection of components, like the radiator, boiler, and steam traps, must be done in order for the right repairs required to save on energy and heating costs.

To find out how you can improve heating efficiency while conserving energy, contact the specialists of Greater Boston Plumbing and Heating.

Boiler Systems are a Trusted Heating System Despite Other Advanced Technology – Boston, Worcester, MA

21 Jan 2015

Boilers in Boston, MA are considered oldies but goodies when talking about residential heating. They have been in use for many decades to provide warmth during cold weather.

Even with the advancements in technology, when it comes to comfort during winter, the hydronic heating power of boiler systems still make the cold days of winter cozy and comfortable in your home. In fact, boiler heating systems are hard to beat in terms of cost-effectiveness and energy efficiency. The length of service life and the reduced repair requirements of boilers are also more advantageous for homeowners because boiler systems are less likely to suffer from mechanical stresses that make them age.

When hot water heating systems are installed correctly, the boilers can work without problems or issues for years. For this reason, only licensed professionals should install boilers in your home. Even if it is a small system with only a small number of mechanical parts, boilers are not easy to install and a heating professional can do the job right. This also helps in reducing leaks due to poor or improper installation.

To ensure that you have the right heating system for your needs, contact the experts at Greater Boston Plumbing and Heating.

HVAC Technicians are Experts in Cleaning, Inspecting, and Repairing All Heating Systems - Boston, Worcester, MA

06 Jan 2015

A heating system is fully functioning if it improves your comfort level while efficiently using energy. If you have problems or issues with your existing system or if you need to install a new heating system, you will need the assistance of an HVAC technician.

Skilled HVAC technicians in Boston, MA offer the best service for your specific HVAC requirements, regardless of whether your heating system is for residential or commercial heating applications. Heating technicians specialize in cleaning and inspecting your HVAC system as well as replacing defective parts. Whatever equipment you use, boilers or furnaces, you will need a technician to guarantee that the heat distribution and heating controls are all set and in optimum operation.

Having the right HVAC system is important if you want to save on heating and energy expenses especially during the winter. However, it is also equally important to make sure that the heating system you have functions properly and efficiently. This time of the year, the weather is extremely cold, particularly at night, and no one wants a faulty system. With the help of an HVAC technician you can rest assured that your heating system will start and work efficiently in generating heat.

For more details, contact Greater Boston Plumbing and Heating.

Prevent Frozen Pipes and other Hidden Issues Before They Happen - Boston, Worcester, MA

10 Dec 2014

Frozen pipes are a common issue when there is an extreme drop in temperature. Water pipes usually freeze when cold air come in through dryer vents that are located nearby. This should be given immediate attention before pipes freeze and then burst, causing flooding.

Water expands as it freezes when exposed to severe cold temperatures. The pipes that run nearest the exterior walls of your home that are poorly insulated are particularly susceptible to very cold temperatures. When frozen, this expansion puts tremendous pressure on the pipes, regardless of if they are metal or plastic. Therefore, preventative measures need to be taken in order to keep the water in the pipes from freezing. Otherwise these pipes can burst causing out-of-control flooding which can be messy and often expensive to repair. Get the help from professional plumbers in Boston, MA to prevent the water pipes in your home from freezing.

The problem of frozen water pipes in Boston, Worcester can be worse when it is difficult to locate the frozen area or if the area of the pipe is not readily accessible. These and other problems can be solved with the proper equipment and a plumber with proper training. Whether in residential or commercial buildings, proper installation of pipe insulation is highly recommended to prevent pipes from freezing especially in extreme cold weather conditions. Additionally, your plumbing system may have other issues that need to be addressed so consulting a plumber before the extreme cold temperatures strike is important.

Preventing and thawing frozen water pipes should only be done with the help of professional plumbers. For more details, contact Greater Boston Plumbing and Heating.

Only HVAC Specialists Should Service Boilers To Ensure it Runs Efficiently - Boston, Worcester, MA

04 Dec 2014

This winter, it is a good idea to have the boiler serviced especially if it is an older boiler in Worcester, MA. Getting it serviced requires hiring an HVAC specialist. This should be done at least once a year to ensure everything is in safe working condition.

Now that the cold temperatures have really arrived, it is best not to wait until your boiler breaks or starts running inefficiently before have boiler maintenance taken care of. It is recommended that you have an HVAC technician inspect your household boiler yearly, even if there seems to be nothing wrong; better safe than sorry. With regular maintenance a specialist will correctly diagnose potential problems that can cause real trouble in winter. Boiler check-ups will also help in determining whether your boiler needs to be replaced or just needs standard repairs.

Checking and ensuring that your heating system functions properly means that your boiler will less likely to freeze up or break down when the temperature drops. A boiler that is not regularly maintained will take more time to warm itself. A boiler needs maintenance when the flame burns yellow rather than blue, when there is a smell of gas while in use, and when repeated restarts are required. In these scenarios you really need to call an HVAC specialist to check on your boiler and your entire heating system.

If you have not yet had your boiler serviced this year, contact Greater Boston Plumbing and Heating.

Heating Systems that are Well-Maintained Help Curb Home Heating Costs - Boston, Worcester, MA

05 Nov 2014

Too many issues can arise from the winter weather if your heating systems at home is not prepared. This is why you should hire an HVAC technician to inspect your system for potential issues so they can be repaired immediately before the real cold kicks in.

In Worcester, HVAC technicians are winterizing homes in the fall and allowing test runs for their heating systems before they are needed all day and night. These precautionary measures are conducted not just to check for heating system issues but also to prevent last-minute emergencies.

Winter is a costly time of year for energy bills. That is why it is important that your heating system in Worcester, MA must be prepared for the cold conditions. A faulty system may lead to consuming more energy than necessary just to keep the appropriate indoor temperature. Winterizing your home by maintaining a heating system helps curb related costs and allows you to enjoy the warmth and comfort of your living space.

Be certain that your home heating system starts up and runs smoothly. For more details, contact Greater Boston Plumbing and Heating.

HVAC Technicians are in Demand for Winterizing Homes by Inspecting Heating Systems - Boston, Worcester, MA

29 Oct 2014

While winter comes every year, homeowners are still often taken by surprise by the suddenness in which the temperatures start to drop. Before the cold weather hits your home by surprise, do some winterization. It is important to have your heating system inspected by an HVAC technicians in Boston, MA.

Your home’s heating system is an integral part of your home because it is responsible for keeping everyone warm, including the home itself. During the winter, common issues may arise from the freezing weather, especially when your heating system is not prepared. Winterizing your home means having a heating expert conduct a diagnosis and regular maintenance to ensure everything is functioning optimally.

HVAC technicians are always around to provide you with any sort of services that your heating system requires for a fair price. When thinking about getting your home ready for winter, get ready for what could happen, and way may happen. Make sure that your heating system successfully starts up and runs efficiently, but also ensure that it runs properly all season long.

Hire an HVAC technician to check on your heating system this fall so there is no last-minute emergency this winter. Contact Greater Boston Plumbing and Heating.

Preparing Your Heating System in Fall Helps Keep Your Home Comfortable and Warm in Winter - Boston, Worcester, MA

23 Oct 2014

Winterizing your home this fall is a great way to stay warm in the winter in Worcester. Hiring an HVAC technician to assess your home heating system is a practical and responsible thing to do, especially if you suspect that there might be something wrong with it or if it has not had regular maintenance in some time.

Heating systems in Worcester, MA play a vital role in getting your home ready for the cold. In the winter, when you need your heating system most, you do not want it to unexpectedly malfunction. You also do not want your heating expenses to climb due to faulty components or from a heating system that is running inefficiently. These are a few reasons for yearly maintenance, so that the required repairs can be done before the winter kicks in.

HVAC technicians say that homeowners who have not yet prepared their heating systems for the coming winter must do so now. Fall is the best season for test runs and other precautionary measures to avoid failure or poor performance of your heating system.

To find out more about heating system services, contact Greater Boston Plumbing and Heating.

Steam Heating Systems Specialists Help Avoid Last-Minute Emergencies and Costly Repairs - Boston, Worcester, MA

16 Oct 2014

The last things you want to deal with during the winter are the consequences of frozen pipes and pipeline components. To prevent these unfortunate events, make use of the fall to prepare your steam heating system for the cold months of winter.

Problems arise when your heating system is not prepared for the cold. The extreme cold weather slows down the condensate flow in your heating system. Poorly insulated pipes that are exposed to the cold are more likely to lose heat and freeze. This can lead to serious consequences. Steam heating system specialists in Boston, MA know what can happen when there is a faulty steam system and they know the precautionary measures and repair services are needed to prevent these occurrences.

Winter temperatures can often takes a lot of homes and commercial buildings by surprise. But with the help of steam system specialists, repairs and adjustments can be properly made to eliminate issues and mishaps, and future costly repairs.

Be prepared and don’t get caught off-guard this winter. Seek the advice and assistance of a specialist from Greater Boston Plumbing and Heating.